Tuesday, February 8, 2011

entrepreneur seminar

The basics of entrepreneurship: sense of mission, customer/product vision, high speed innovation, and self-inspired behaviour.
The inclination of my life has been to do things and make things which will give pleasure to people in new and amazing ways.
Steve Jobs: The managers knew how to manage, but they couldn't do anything. (Apple Computer)
Sense of mission: leaving footprints in the sand
be excited, love your business! this is important stuff.

WHAT WENT WRONG ??????????????
  • 33% of the excellent Co's ('62-'84)
  • 84% of the 100 biggest Co's (1900-2000)
  • 70%of the fortune 500(1955-2006)
  • bigger isn't always better
Life cycle of entrepreneurial  
  1. start up
  2. high growth
  3. decline
  4. survival
"Seven deadly sins"

  • everything that can be invented has been invented
  • Charles duell director us patent office-1899
  • I'm okay-your okay
  • this produces terminal inaction
  • we are not okay.... we are NEVER okay
  • crises and a sense of urgency are necessary for organization to grow
  • one best way
  • silences workers forever
  • kills innovation
  • out of touch with competitors and customers
  • your next great idea comes from this
  • centralize everything
  • this is about controlling everything...is biggest actually better
  • when in doubt-decentralize lab in the woods (scientist take over)
  • idea of having an innovation team out in the woods away from the hustle bustle of business allowed for creativity
  • best ideas come form  the factory floor, lunch brainstorming with salesman and face to face
  • marketing takes over
  • or salesman takes over
  • opposite to lab in the woods
  • not product specialist... you need both scientist and salesman
  • senior management disconnected
  • sit in corner of office and make decisions
  • sears was larger, built worlds largest tower in Chicago

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