Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Richard Branson

  • Well what can i say he has his own company, some that are today with it is:  radio, credit card, mobile, jewelery, holidays cola, vodka, and many more.
  • if you can run one company you run any.
  • you can learn from past experiences
  • there is a very thin line between success and failure
  • sold record company at its peak value Napster came along better and invested into his air line. 
  • total revenue: 35$ billion
  • employee's: 55 thousand
  • he created a space ship that people will soon be able to go into space
  • dyslexic no understanding of school,
  • if not interested in something wont grasp it
  • left school at 15/ dropped out.
  • he was about 50 years old and just learning what  net and gross pay is.
  • mother pushed him out door in elementary school told him to go 5 miles to find grandmas house
  • went to prison before he became an billion air
  • being a Father is very important to him
  • extreme wealth--- extreme responsibility
  • clinics in Africa and giving out free meds
  • 56 years old
  • legacy: live life to its full. make a differance if you can

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